Thursday 15 December 2016

Animation Scene 4

This is the fourth scene for my stars wars animation. I created this by copying over the camera from the last scene and the stars and sun to keep them aligned as much as possible. I then used the three point curve tool and the bezier curve tool to create the motion paths scaling, rotating and moving them to the right positions. I then added my models to the motion paths allowing them to be animated. I then set a key frame at the start. I ran into a problem where at the end of the animation my models would rotate so throughout my animation they were rotating to get to that last frame. I fixed this by selecting the second frame and setting their rotation to the right angle and then setting it as a key frame I had to do this for more frames in the animation until the models stayed at the angle I wanted them too. I feel this scene turned out the way I wanted but I would of like to spend even more time developing and editing the motion paths so they were a little less jerky.

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