Thursday, 15 December 2016

Animation Scene 1

This is my first scene for my star wars animation. I created this by first creating a sphere and adding a material to it. I then changed the color of that material to a yellow. I then changed the matte opacity and glow intensity to get the object to glow like a sun. I then created a camera and lined it up above the sun and created a key frame. I then selected the last frame of my scene and rotated the camera so it would do this downwards pan to the sun and stars like in the actual star wars films and I set that as a key frame. I then used the generate function to create the stars which allows you to select a brush which I selected a galactic star map. I then drew lines with the brush tool in generate and it created the star map I then scaled, rotated and move the objects into the right positions to get a nice atmosphere. I had no problems when creating this scene and I found the brush tool very useful when creating the space in my scenes. I feel that this scene has turned out exactly how I wanted it.

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