Thursday, 15 December 2016

Animation Scene 3

This is scene 3 of my star wars animation. I created this by copying over the sun, stars and camera of  the previous scene to keep a consistent atmosphere. I then created two motion paths using the the point arc tool and attach tool and the bezier curve tool to create the right movements that I wanted I then imported the x-wing and tie fighter and attached them to the motion paths. Luckily I had made both of the motion paths different to create a unstable feel to the flight so I didn't have the problem where the two objects went along the same motion path like I'd had in my first attempt at this. I also noticed that my model wasn't creating one of the cuts in my tie fighter correctly so I re-imported it and that didn't fix the problem so I went into the model and saw that it was all there but I couldn't figure out what the problem was and so I had to manage my time and not be able to fix this problem. I also had a problem with the front window textures of my tie fighter where they all moved around the object and weren't where I put them on the model and it looked awful so to fix this I realized that in the scenes the front of the tie fighter was never visible so in the scenes I changed the material to the blue of the tie fighter.

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