Thursday 10 November 2016

X-Wing Part 5

After creating the wings I moved onto the weapons. To create the weapons I first created a 6 cylinders and lined them all up after doing so I used the multi-cut tool and held ctrl which makes the multi-cut tool be able to apply vertexes all the way around a cylinder. I did this 4 times on one cylinder and extruded them outwards. I then used the scale tool to get the cylinders to the right size so they lined up with my schematics. after doing so I then created a pipe rotated it by 90 so that it was sideways I then selected the left side of faces and deleted them I then used the point weld tool to join up the leftover vertexes. I then grouped all of them with ctrl+g and then duplicated the whole group 3 more times moving them into their positions. I found this easy to accomplish with little to no problems.

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