Thursday 10 November 2016

Tie Fighter Part 2

The first step to creating my Tie fighter was the body. I began by creating a sphere and lining it up with the schematics. I then proceeded to use the multi-cut tool to create a circular edge on the inner faces of the sphere I then cut straight lines following the schematics for the windows of the cockpit. I then used the extrude tool to push them backwards into the sphere. After creating the windows I went on to creating the small details on the top and bottom by using the multi-cut tool to cut a curve across the top and bottom and then using the extrude tool to pull them out of the sphere. After so I created two cubes lined them up with the top of the cockpit and then selected the cockpit and one cube and then used the Boolean tool to cut the cubes out of the sphere to create the indents on the top. I then extruded the inside faces on the back of the sphere 2 the first one was forwards to create the engine shape and the second back to create the inside of the engine.

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