Tuesday, 25 October 2016

F16 Exercise

This exercise was to model an F16 fighter using Maya and images as references in Maya to get the right scale and shape of the ship.
This is the final model of the F16. I did this by first creating a Cylinder and adding several different vertexes using the multi-cut tool and then I proceeded to use the different views (Side,Top and front) to move the different edges to align with the schematics. I then extruded several pieces out and lined the edges with the wings on the schematics I then used the connect tool to then pull the edge down to create the streamlined angle of the wings. I then extruded the the front faces of the cylinder multiple times each time moving the top 4 edges down to create the angled nose of the fighter. I then used the smooth tool to create the smooth surface of the nose cone. I found this at first hard to accomplish as extruding the nose was hard to keep inline with the schematics and to then create the underneath the cockpit which is flat and connects up to the nose, as it kept having faces that would move when I moved one of the nose faces I fixed this by deleting several faces and then filling the whole to create one face.

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